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27 July 2024



By 2020, Russia to export over 40 mln tonnes of grains annually – E.Skrynnik

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation forecasts the increase of Russian grain exports in 2020 to the level of over 40 mln tonnes per year, said Elena Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture.

The Minister said that Russia is not only exporter of grains, but also sells flour. The world market keeps steady demand for the product. Since the beginning of the year, exports of flour exceeded 600 thsd tonnes, which is up 3 times compared to the last year.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, Russia intends to develop its logistics and infrastructure of the grain market. In particular, the Ministry plans to increase the capacity of grain storage in the South, Siberia, the Far East.

Russia needs to build linear, port elevators, and small storehouses for small farms, declared E.Skrynnik. For example, Novorossiysk port will substantially expand own storing capacities. The export potential of the logistics supply chain by 2013 will total almost 30 mln tonnes by building and upgrading facilities for cleaning, storing and shipping of grains.


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