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19 July 2024



Bulgaria. Rain shortage prompts draught fears

The drought is already a fact in Bulgaria, chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers (NAGP) Radoslav Hristov said for FOCUS News Agency. Members of the association will hold an extraordinary sitting on Wednesday to discuss the condition of autumnal and spring corps. The information will be summarized in a report which would be sent to the Ministry of Agriculture and Foods. In Hristov’s words, Agrarian Minister Valeri Tsvetanov has already skeptically reacted to the problem concerning the rain shortage.
He explained that there weren’t rainfalls for more than a month over many sown fields in the country and at the same time temperatures in May are very high. So, growth of spring crops is endangered.
“In my opinion the draught problem is now even more serious than in 2007 because then the affected areas were few but now their number is bigger. Condition of spring crops is three times badly compared with 2007”, Radoslav Hristov explained.


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