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22 July 2024



Borshch set falls in price, dairy products preserve price stability in Ukraine - monitoring

 A price for the main set of vegetables and fruits of an average statistical Ukrainian fell by 14.2% as of July 19, following a drop by 11.4% a week earlier. So, over recent two weeks, a price for fruit and vegetable products fell approximately by fourth.

Recent monitoring of prices for socially important foodstuffs, held by the Economic Development and Trade Ministry, testifies to this, a Ukrinform correspondent reports.

Seasonal reduction of prices, characteristic for the second half of July and August, was noted for main groups of fruit and vegetable products. The borshch set vegetables fell in price the most sharply - by 22.1% a week, whereas hot house vegetables - by 19.6%. Prices for potatoes and many types of seasonal fruits also dropped substantially, market analyst Tetiana Hetman comments in this way on the situation.

Cabbage, carrots, beets and onions of the new yield, whose average price made up UAH 2.75/kg, UAH 8.57/kg, UAH 5.66/kg and UAH 6.72/kg respectively, have noticeably dropped in price.

If to look at regional markets, it appears that, for instance, young carrots are the cheapest in Odesa region - UAH 7.17/kg, whereas cabbage is cheaper in Mykolaiv region, where it costs UAH 2.29/kg. Luhansk region has good prices for beets. It is possible to buy this product at UAH 5.04/kg. Following a recent jump of a price, onions fell in price most in Odesa region to UAH 6.01/kg.

Potatoes also dropped to UAH 4.53/kg on average in Ukraine. At the same time, it is most profitable to buy potatoes in Lviv region, where this product is sold at UAH 3.26/kg. Potatoes are the most expensive on Sevastopol markets - UAH 6.24/kg.

As compared with other foodstuffs, dairy products preserve certain stability. In particular, sour cream (with fat status of 15%) grew slightly in price and this price was fixed at UAH 18.46/kg, butter (fat status 72-73%) costs on average UAH 57.59/kg, whereas soft cheese (fat status 9%) - UAH 44.10/kg. The latter, by the way, can be purchased at UAH 38.33/kg in Luhansk region.

To remind, the Economic Development and Trade Ministry developed a draft resolution of the government, which proposes to change a list of products, prices for which are regulated by the state. A new list envisages, on the one hand, abatement of administrative interference into the process of price formation for foodstuffs, and on the other hand - orientation toward the needs of population with low incomes.

So, the following products will be withdrawn from regulation: beef (taking into consideration its insignificant consumption by population - 16% in the structure of meat consumption, and the difficult current situation with domestic cattle breeding), boneless pork, meat of ducks, geese, turkeys and other poultry meat (except for chickens), selected and high category chicken eggs, refined sugar and muscovado and bottled sunflower oil.


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