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24 July 2024



Biscuit-Chocolate introduces energy-saving technologies

The Kharkov-based confectionery Kharkivyanka, a part of the corporation Biscuit-Chocolate, has completed an investment project to introduce energy-saving technologies. A new boiler with capacity ten tons of process steam per hour has been put in operation at the enterprise. Due to high efficiency factor of the equipment, gas saving will reach about 30-35%. Expenses on modernisation of the steam generating section totalled around UAH 20mn (EUR 1.66mn USD 2.50mn). Aggregate capacity of the segment is raised to 38 tons of steam per hour. According to President of the corporation Biscuit-Chocolate Alla Kovalenko, the corporation is to start reconstructing the boiler shop at another enterprise, the Kharkov-based Biscuit Factory, in early 2010.

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