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22 July 2024



Biscuit-Chocolate increases production in January-September

In January-September 2009, enterprises of the corporation Biscuit-Chocolate produced 42,900 tons of confectionery products against 42,800 tons a year before. Sales stood at 42,200 tons, flat against the same period of 2008. Exports accounted for 31% of sales. Revenue from exports rose by 25% in value.
Net income of the corporation for the nine months of 2009 amounted to UAH 470mn (EUR 38.45mn USD 57.53mn), up 17%. According to President of the corporation Alla Kovalenko, net income as of 2009 is expected to total UAH 700mn thanks to the secured orders.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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