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19 July 2024



Biodiversity can help fight climate change

Biodiversity can help fight climate change

New options for the survival of the planet — that’s what scientists, civil society, entrepreneurs, and artists are discussing at a conference on the links between biodiversity and climate change, UN Radio says referring to the UNESCO (UN’s scientific organization) recent report.

It is to be admitted, UNESCO is on Tuesday wrapping up a two-daymeeting in Paris, France, looking at new approaches to fighting climate change. UNESCO describes the conference as an opportunity to pose crucial questions ahead of a key global climate conference taking place in Paris next December. As to the report, the conference’s discussions are focusing on questioning the relationship between biodiversity and climate change.

One of such question is how best to mobilize people to take action and share climate change solutions with decision-makers and sceptics, while developing of ecological solidarity and environmental justice is another major theme. It is to be admitted, UNESCO’s overall goal is to build what it calls a community of practice, to share actions and visions for the construction of alternative ways of life.


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