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18 July 2024



Belarus rye sets the records of Ukrainian import

In January-November 2016 Ukraine imported a record amount of rye - 16.3 thousand tons that in monetary terms is USD 2.5 million. Whereas, for the same period previous year only 0.03 thousand tons of product amounting to USD 0.09 million were imported.

Import of rye was actively started at the end of the marketing year (in April-June), and in October-November there were few deliveries. This situation resulted from the shortage of rye in the domestic market of Ukraine as well as favorable price of the imported product.

Following results of this November, Denmark and Poland are the main supplying countries of rye to Ukraine with shares of 12.7% and 11.5% respectively of all rye imported by Ukraine, and still Belarus remains to be the major supplier with a share of 65.5%.

According to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, within January-September 2016 Ukraine occupies 65.6% of all rye exported by Belarus, despite the fact that the last year deliveries were not carried out to Ukraine at all. 

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