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24 July 2024



Bezuhliy: Ukraine needs 500 ha of hothouses to abandon vegetable imports

Ukraine needs to build about 500 hectares of greenhouses to provide itself with vegetables and abandon their imports, acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Bezuhliy told reporters on Thursday.

"Imports of greenhouse vegetables to Ukraine may be reduced once we build at least 500 hectares of greenhouses. The work began last year, and the first 44 hectares of new modern greenhouses were built. We think that in 3-4 years, Ukraine will become an export country, including as referred to the vegetable group," the official said.

According to him, Ukraine today experiences a real shortage of greenhouses, which leads to the need for imports of greenhouse vegetables. However, at the moment, we are exporting more vegetables than importing.


Source: UkrInform

  • Baker TILLY
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