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17 July 2024



Asia is a leader for import of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex

export APK

Over the last 22 years revenue from export of agricultural products has increased six-fold from USD 2.5 billion to USD 15.2 billion. The UCAB experts conducted a research on how geography of agricultural supplies has changed within this time period.

In the mid-90's CIS countries were the main importers of the Ukrainian agricultural products which accounted for 71% of the total supply volume. The second place was occupied by the European countries with a share of 20%, the Asian countries purchased 6% of the Ukrainian agricultural products, Africa - only 2%.

Since 1995 export of agricultural products began to decline rapidly and in 2000 fell to USD 1.8 billion. Share of the CIS countries in terms of export structure dropped to 53%, share of the EU countries grew to 30%, share of the Asian and African countries grew to 10% and 5% respectively. Starting from 2000s the scopes of supplies to the CIS countries began to decline but to Asia and Africa they grew rapidly. In 2005 following the Orange Revolution the CIS countries occupied 44% of agrarian exports from Ukraine, the EU countries - 22%, Asian and African countries - 23% and 10% respectively. Exports of agricultural products in 2005 amounted to USD 4.3 billion.

After the crisis of 2008/2009's exports of agricultural products decreased by 12.1% and in 2009 amounted to USD 9.4 billion. Against the backdrop of economic crisis there was downfall of share of the CIS countries to 26%. Whereas share of the EU did not change comparing to 2005 and amounted to 22%, share of the Asian countries grew to 38%, share of the African countries increased to 14%.

In 2010 the Customs Union between Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia was formed owing to which trade relations with these countries revived. Thus, share of the CIS countries rose to 33%, and share of the EU countries fell to 20%, volumes of purchases from Asia fell to 33% and from Africa – remained unchanged amounting to 14%. However, since 2011 active increasing of export was observed. Whereas volumes of trade with the CIS countries decreased, and with Europe - increased. Supplies to Asia and Africa increased actively as well.

After cooling of relations with Russia in 2013/2014 there was a sharp decline in export scopes to the CIS countries. Therefore, in 2014 supplies to the specified countries reduced by 32% constituting USD 2.4 billion. In contrast, export level to the European countries increased by 3.4% and to Asia – by 9.2%

In 2016 geography of the Ukrainian agricultural export was as follows: almost half of the export (48%) accounted for the Asian countries, 27% - for the EU countries, 16% - for the African countries, 8% - for the CIS countries, the rest accounted for other countries (Australia and Oceania and America).

Thus, for over 20 years the sales to Europe increased by 8.3 times to USD 4.2 billion; to Asia - by 47.7 times to USD 7.3 billion (over the last 5 years export grew twelvefold only to China); to the African countries - by 62.3 times to USD 2.4 billion. In the meantime, export to the CIS countries decreased by 36% to USD 1.1 billion (over the last 5 years export of agricultural products to Russia reduced by 21.5 times).

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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