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20 July 2024



Arbuzov urges citizens to keep their savings in national currency

Arbuzov urges citizens to keep their savings in national currency money

The strengthened control of the National Bank over the dynamics of the market in order to reduce speculative demand has showed a stabilizing effect and gives a calming signal to the market. This was stated by acting Prime Minister of Ukraine Serhiy Arbuzov at the Ukrainian Cabinet meeting, Government Portal reports.

«Introduced measures are timely and effective. Market participants are convinced that the National Bank has the necessary tools to ensure stability. So, as of today the current situation at the foreign exchange market is under control,» he said. At the same time Arbuzov said that people who have undergone foreign exchange excitement received the losses. According to him, an overreaction to any market developments has always been good for speculators.

«The course may vary slightly fluctuate in both directions - this is normal market situation. The National Bank for its part restrains excessive exchange fluctuations and prevents speculation,» the acting Prime Minister said. Meanwhile, he said that citizens of many developed countries keep their savings in national currency. So, according to him, 92% deposits are in zlotys in Poland, 96% deposits - in crowns in the Czech Republic and Russia has 79% deposits in rubles. So, Arbuzov is confident, they maintain financial stability and economic growth of their countries.


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