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17 July 2024



Agrotrade Group became a member of UCAB

Agrotrade Group became a member of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB). "In a relatively short time Agrotrade Group took a weighty position on the Ukrainian market, not only for the export of grain and oilseeds, but also for the production of agricultural products. We believe that an active social position of the company management will promote the development of agricultural sector in Ukraine, "- says the President of UCAB Alex Lissitsa.

"Agrotrade Group is a member of several business associations. Activities of UCAB is an example of the successful dialogue between business and government, union of the interests of Ukrainian agribusiness representatives, "- said Vsevolod Kozhemyako, CEO of Agrotrade.

Agrotrade Group was founded in 1998 under the name "East-Ukrainian agro-industrial company". In the first phase of development the main areas of economic activity were the provision of agricultural enterprises and sugar mills with fuels and lubricantsand also grain and sugar trade. Purchasing of provision enterprises (Gadyachsky and Dvurechansky elevators, Vodyanskoe, Zachepilovskoe, Kolomakskoe cereal companies) has induced the management to establish their own production base, construction and renovation of new facilities, organization of procurement of commercial products.

In 2002-2005 the company acquired new businesses (Khorolsky feed mill, Bliznyukovsky, Kupyansk, Vorozhbyansky Lutugino bakeries, cereal company "Doch-Hleb", Samoylivsky elevator). In 2006 Agrotrade management started a cash crop business, based on the enterpise "IC-Agro" in Sumy region. Land Bank of the company is 45 000 ha in Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava and Chernihiv regions. Today Agrotrade is a vertically integrated agro-industrial holding with a completed cycle - production, processing, storage and trade of agricultural products. The company is in the top-10 of Ukrainian grain traders and controls 3% of the export grain market.

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