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26 July 2024



Agrimarket Consulting: In 2011 Ukraine to essentially increase grain production volumes

According to the forecast of APK-Inform Agency, in 2011 Ukraine will face the essential grain production volumes increase compared to the previous season – by 31% to 51.3 mln tonnes, which is almost at the level of record 52.3 mln tonnes, harvested in 2008 declared Anastasia Ivasenko, Analyst of the Agency, at the Ukrainian Grain Congress.

According to her, the major reasons of the growth are sowing areas increase, in particular maize and major crops, and also yield increase based on the favorable weather conditions.

The expert noted that harvested wheat production increased by 28% to 21.6 mln tonnes. Maize general production, which harvesting campaign is facing good temps, is expected at the record level of 19 mln tonnes. According to the forecast of APK-Inform Agency, barley crop will total the last year level – 8.5 mln tonnes.

Forecasted general grain production in combination with carry-over stocks, estimated at the level of 4.5 mln tonnes provides general grain supply in 2011/12 MY at the volume if 55.9 mln tonnes, up 31.2% compared to the previous season.

According to Ivasenko, such supply volume fully provides the domestic grain demand and has the essential impact on the export potential. According to the estimation of the analyst in 2011/12 MY Ukraine is able to supply about 24.5 mln tonnes of grain on the world market, up 2 times compared to the forecast of the export in the previous year and is a record for Ukraine.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
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