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22 July 2024



Agriculture Ministry: Ukraine to export one million tons of grain in July

 Ukraine will export one million tons of grain in July 2013.

Deputy Agricultural Policy and Food Minister Oleksandr Sen made such a forecast at a briefing as part of the government hotline on Friday, a Ukrinform correspondent reported.

I think that we will export one million tons of grain by the end of July. Weather conditions are favorable for late crops, which contributes to an increase in the yield by a third compared to the previous year, Sen said.

According to him, Ukraine supplied 23 million tons of grain crops to foreign markets in the current marketing year, which was one million tons more than last year.

As reported, the average yield in 2013 exceeds last years yield and is on average 25 quintals per ha against last years 17 quintals per ha. According to latest figures, crops have already been harvested from 82% of areas.


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