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17 July 2024



Agrarians are reporting about high levels of corruption in the profile state agencies

Agrarians are reporting about high levels of corruption in the profile state agencies

According to survey conducted by the experts of Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” in March 2016 – the level of corruption in government regulatory services is still remaining at high level.

Agrarians named the most corrupt authorities: The State Service of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster in Ukraine, State Automobile Inspection of Ukraine and State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. The newly created State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection showed the most significant reductions of corruption. 

Within the survey, farmers were asked to rate the level of corruptibility of existing state regulators on a scale: "very high ", "high ", "medium", "low " or "not corrupt". Accordingly to the responses, index of corruption was calculated. It can range from 0 (not corrupt ) to 100 (highly corrupt).

During the last year the index of corruption in state services related to agriculture has decreased from 47 to 46 points.  Top 3 most corrupt services in Ukraine are: The State Service of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster in Ukraine (66 points) , State Automobile Inspection of Ukraine (50 points ) and State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (49 points).
According to the surveyed agricultural producers the least corrupt are: The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (34 points ) and The State Inspection of Ukraine for Consumer Rights Protection (32 points ). The State Inspection of Ukraine for Consumer Rights Protection most of all has reduced level of corruption last year (-20 points).
At the same time, agrarians noticed negative changes regarding State Ecological Inspection of Ukraine (+24 points), The State Service of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster in Ukraine (+ 16 points) and Oblenergo (+ 8 points). 

According to the survey, farmers noticed positive changes in reduction of corruption in public authorities. First of all, the changes are seen in deregulation and state officers’ rotation.At the same time, slow course of reformation and delaying the solution of structural changes are causing negative sentiments. In particular, is marking the creation of additional opportunities for corruption in the administration of taxation and land issues.

“Agricultural producers, profile associations and independent experts are planing reduction of corruption by adopting a number bills. First of all, it is necessary to approve on legislative level the transferring of lands to communities, to simplify the administration of value added tax, to prohibit administrative fines for agrarians for tax reporting and to prohibit the removal of tax credit without court order. These steps can relatively quickly to simplify conditions for business of farmers and to reduce corruption” – concluded Taras Vysotskyi, General Director of UCAB.

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