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22 July 2024



Adoption of law on power in Ukraine to make it accountable, experts say

 The adoption of the law on power in Ukraine will make power accountable to the citizens and cure a sick society.

This opinion was expressed by the coordinator of the public initiative For a responsible power, co-author of the bill Ihor Kurus at a round table meeting on July 24.

The developed bill is a therapeutic injection for a sick body, which will be able to recover after withdrawal pains, he said.

Kurus noted that the situation may change for the better, if both the authorities and the opposition will be accountable to the voters. And this is possible only when people will get real and effective instruments of influencing the authorities - rather than elections every five years, or spontaneous riots, the expert noted.

Kurus noted that the bill provides for the introduction of institutions of recall of elected officials and a vote of no confidence against appointed officials that will create a new system of deterrence and leverage between the society and the state. In such circumstances, the official will not execute criminal orders of his chief, but will implement the law, because otherwise he would be dismissed by people. Such a fate would also hit the politicians, who do not fulfill their campaign promises, and the judges who will not establish justice.

The peculiarity of the bill is the introduction of mechanisms of recall of deputies, dismissal of judges and officials that do not require changes to the Constitution of Ukraine.

The co-author of the bill said that we have to convince lawmakers to pass the bill, and if it is adopted, the authorities will become accountable.

Asked by reporters, Kurus said that the bill is currently in the development stage and invited well-known political scientists, who were present at the round table meeting to join its development.


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