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15 September 2024

Agrarian news


EU countries have fully exhausted duty-free quota for export of poultry meat into Ukraine

Ucab EU countries have fully exhausted duty-free quota for export of poultry meat into Ukraine

Since the entry into force of the DCFTA economic part with the European Union, i.e. January 1, 2016, as of April 5, EU countries have completely exhausted the duty-free quota for export of poultry meat into Ukraine and 67% of the quota for sugar.



Progress rate of crop sowing is lower than last year

Ucab Progress rate of crop sowing is lower than last year

Due to the cool spring, sowing rate of early grain crops and leguminous is behind last year's indicators nationwide.



Application of mineral fertilizers has been speeded up

Ucab Application of mineral fertilizers has been speeded up

In 2016, it is observed a significant increasing in fertilizers application under winter crops.



Production of condensed milk has dropped by 16%

Ucab Production of condensed milk has dropped by 16%

By results of the two months of this year, production of condensed milk and semisweet cream has reduced by 16.3% compared with the similar indexes of the last year and amounted to 6.8 ths t.



Production of spreads has been declined up to 34%

Ucab Production of spreads has been declined up to 34%

In January - February this year, Ukraine has produced 5.04 ths t of spreads and milk-fat blends that is nearly 34% less than the similar indicators of the previous year.



Valuation of Ukrainian public agricultural companies has increased

Ucab Valuation of Ukrainian public agricultural companies has increased

Total capitalization of Ukrainian public agricultural holdings listed on the international financial markets was 2.86 bln USD in March 22, that is 14% more than at the beginning of the month (+ 352 mln USD).



Import of poultry meat and by-products has increased by almost 60%

Import of poultry meat and by-products has increased by almost 60%

Within two months of 2016, Ukraine has imported 11.58 ths t of poultry meat and its by-products that is by 58% more than similar indexes of the previous year.



Lamb is in deficit

Ucab Lamb is in deficit

Ukraine does not have enough lamb for export to the EU. According to the European Commission statistics, as of March 17, our country has not used the quota on any ton for duty-free export of lamb to the EU countries. In 2014 and 2015, this quota was not used as well. However, exports to the EU countries was realized: in 2014 Ukraine sold 149.8 kg of lamd valued 1 thousand USD, in 2015 – 255.6 kg on 1.2 thousand USD. For two months of 2016, Ukraine has not exported any lamb to the EU.



Prices on live hogs have increased rapidly

Ucab Prices on live hogs have increased rapidly

In the first half of March, prices for live hogs have increased in average on 7%. According to the UCAB monitoring, as of March 16, the cost of meat breeds hogs in Ukraine amounted to 28.00-29.50 UAH/kg, sometimes 30.00 UAH/kg. Prices for lard breed hogs have grown less significantly. In the middle of the month they were 25.00-26.50 UAH/kg.



Production of poultry meat has increased

Ucab Production of poultry meat has increased

According to the State Committee of Statistics, for two months of this year agricultural enterprises have produced 164.7 ths t of poultry meat in slaughter weight that is 5.1% higher than for the same period of 2015. Small householders have also increased their production of poultry meat on 2% - up to 35.5 th t. The main cause of such growing in poultry production is increased demand for this type of meat as the cheapest one.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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