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18 July 2024



Ukraine has exported wax valued at 1M USD

Ukraine has exported wax valued at 1M USD

According to information of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, national producers have exported 15.1 k tons of natural honey during 1H 2016 which is 13.1% extra comparing to the same period of 2015. But in money terms export of honey has decreased by 8.6% and reached 30 M USD.

Major trade partners of Ukraine in apiculture business are the EU’s countries, mainly Germany and Poland. Share of Germany and Poland in export of Ukrainian honey have increased notably, as for note, Germany has increased its share from 26.9% to 43.6%, whereas Poland – from 5.8% to 15.6%, along with overall export growth.

Complementary to honey export growth, Ukrainian marketers have begun to export bees’ wax. During 1H 2016 Ukrainian entities have supplied to foreign destinations nearly 194 tons of wax, which is 9.7 times extra comparing to 1H 2015 and valued at 1.1 M USD. Export of wax became optional after introduction and implementation of the FTA agreement with the EU and first supplies were conducted in 2015. Major part of exported wax, which is 85.7%, was supplied to Poland.

As for note, the EU’s non-tariff quota of some 5k tons for natural honey from Ukraine has been fulfilled in the beginning of February of 2016. Along with, Ukraine exports nearly 26k tons of honey to the EU annually from 2014 and this fact supports active demand for Ukrainian apiculture products originated from European customers. For further facilitation of Ukrainian foreign trade in apiculture business, non-tariff quota’s volumes have to be widened supporting development of supplement value added goods export of the industry.

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