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16 September 2024

Agrarian news


Prices on fertilizers continue to decline

Ucab Prices on fertilizers continue to decline

From the beginning of the year prices on the most demanded fertilizers as ammonium nitrate and carbamide have dropped by 29% and 23% accordingly.



Soybeans prices will rise

Ucab Soybeans prices will rise

Despite record projected by USDA yields of soybeans in 16/17 MY at the level of 324 M tons which is +3% comparing to previous MY, prices continue to increase.



Ucab Ukraine’s ice-cream export has increased by 16%

State Fiscal Service of Ukraine has reported 16% increase of ice-cream and other ice for food products during first five months of 2016 comparing to the same time period in 2015. Trade volume abroad has accounted in 1.8k tons, adding 0.3k tons comparing to the previous period in 2015. Foreign customers have paid 3.6 M USD in Jan-May of 2016 and this is 360k USD extra compering to the same of 2015.



Agro products’ export has increased

Ucab Agro products’ export has increased

According to the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, export of agricultural goods has demonstrated 2.7% increase in Jan-May 2016 (reached 5.7 B USD) versus the same period in 2015. Along with share of agro export in the overall has added 5.5% to previous year estimation - 35.8%.



Ukraine’s exporters have used the EU’s trade non-tariff custom quotas for wheat and malt

Ucab Ukraine’s exporters have used the EU’s trade non-tariff custom quotas for wheat and malt

In May Ukrainian producers have fulfilled non-tariff custom quotas for import of wheat, wheat gluten and malt in framework of the FTA. Volume of the EU’s import non-tariff quota sized to 950k tons and malt’s volumes – 7k tons.



United Arab Emirates’ import bans will influence egg and poultry meat producers

Ucab United Arab Emirates’ import bans will influence egg and poultry meat producers

Bans for made in Ukraine agricultural products export to the UAE will have influence mostly on eggs, meat and edible poultry products. Thus, due to information of UCAB experts, in 1Q16 major product of Ukraine’s export to the UAE was eggs (5.3 k tons, 12% extra comparing the same period in the last year). Along with, export of poultry meat has demonstrated 2.4X increase up to 2.8k tons during 1Q16.



Prices on vegetables have shown almost 2X decline

Ucab Prices on vegetables have shown almost 2X decline

At the end of May prices for vegetable have declined notably comparing to the beginning of the month. Cabbage prices declined to 3.9 UAH per kg (-48%), carrot (-26%), cucumbers – down to 6.9 (-46%) and tomatoes – down to 25.4 (-39%).



Market demonstrates chocolate & candies production descent

Ucab Market demonstrates chocolate & candies production descent

Based on data of the State Service of Statistics of Ukraine, during first four months of 2016 production of chocolate and candies has decreased by 9% comparing to the same period in 2015. This is a result of considerable price increase of this product type and revision of consumption budget by the customers.



Ukrainian import of butter has shown 5X growth

Ucab Ukrainian import of butter has shown 5X growth

Based on the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, internal traders have imported 5X larger volumes of butter during Jan-Apr 2016 comparing to the same period in 2015. The overall volume of imported butter in 2016 reached 617 tons (120 tons in 2015). 2016 butter import accounts for 2 M USD which is 3.7X higher than in 2015.



Poultry meat and offals’ export in 2016 has increased by 45%

Ucab Poultry meat and offals’ export in 2016 has increased by 45%

Due to information published by the SFS of Ukraine comparing to the same period of Jan-Apr in 2015, volume of trade of these products has accounted in 66.6k tons (+20.7k tons extra). Mentioned volumes exported valued with 19.2M USD growth and reached 82M USD.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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