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16 September 2024

Agrarian news


Рівень тінізації АПК знизився на 6 %

Shadow economy in agriculture has decreased by 6%

Based on published research of the Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine, in 2015 level of shadow economy in agriculture has reached 8% which is 6% less than previous indication.



Частка працевлаштованих в АПК збільшилась до 17,5%

Share of employed citizens in agriculture has increased to 17.5%

According to information of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine published on July 15, 2016, share of employed individuals in agriculture has increased to 17.5% in 2015. From 2010 to 2015, the share has increased by 2.1%, but absolute amount of employees has decreased from 20.3 to 16.4 M during the same time period.



Agriculture machineries’ import has doubled

Agriculture machineries’ import has doubled

During 6 months of 2016 Ukrainian business entities have imported agro machineries valued at 233 M USD, along with tillage machineries for 123 M USD exciding same indicators of preceding year in 2.7 and 2 times accordingly.



Export of mutton and goats’ meat has increased fourfold

Ucab Export of mutton and goats’ meat has increased fourfold

According to information published by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, export value of mutton and goat’s meat has raised fourfold and reached 45k USD in 1H2016 comparing to 1H2015.



Ukraine has exported wax valued at 1M USD

Ucab Ukraine has exported wax valued at 1M USD

According to information of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, national producers have exported 15.1 k tons of natural honey during 1H 2016 which is 13.1% extra comparing to the same period of 2015. But in money terms export of honey has decreased by 8.6% and reached 30 M USD.



Ukraine intensified agro foreign trade in 1H 2016

Ucab Ukraine intensified agro foreign trade in 1H 2016

According to information of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, agro foreign trade balance surplus has reached 4.8 B USD in 1H 2016. Along with, export has gained 3.3% to 6.7 B USD and import 10% has increased to 1.9 B USD.



VAT repayments braking has lowered stocks’ prices of public Ukrainian agro companies

Ucab VAT repayments braking has lowered stocks’ prices of public Ukrainian agro companies

Overall capitalization of Ukrainian public agro holdings traded on international stocks’ exchanges has reached 2.78 B USD on July 1, 2016 which is 5.7% less than at the beginning of June (-165.4 M USD).



Almost 90 countries import Ukrainian grain

Ucab Almost 90 countries import Ukrainian grain

In accordance with the FAO forecast presented by Kairat Nazhmedinov, senior economist for Regional Office in Europe and Central Asia, at first international conference GRAIN UKRAINE in Odessa, global production volume of grains and cereals will reach 2 543 M tons (+0.6% to 2015). Global wheat production most probably will not reach higher volumes comparing to 2015, whereas rice production and fodder grains volumes forecasted with growth.



Bread production in Ukraine has declined

Ucab Bread production in Ukraine has declined

During first five months in 2016 bread and bakery production has declined by 6% and reached 46.5 thousand tons. Notable decrease of rye bread production has been marked at the level of 22%, wheat and rye-wheat bread by 7% and 6% accordingly.



Plant protection products’ import has increased by 40%

Ucab Plant protection products’ import has increased by 40%

During Jan-May 2016 64.3 thousand tons of PPP were imported to Ukraine which is 40% extra comparing to previous year. Major import growth was noted in supplies of herbicides and insecticides.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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