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16 July 2024

Agrarian news


Ucab Failure of the European Parliament to approve swift rollover of trade support to Ukraine may turn into a tragic mistake. It can still be averted

“The failure of the European Parliament to approve today in Strasbourg the Commission proposal for a rollover of EU autonomous trade measures (ATMs) for Ukraine may mean only one thing – further delays of this crucial element of the EU economic support for Ukraine, while giving in to politically-motivated demands to deny access to the EU market for Ukrainian farmers, a key source of the country’s export revenues”, – said Alex Lissitsa, President of UCAB.



Ucab Ukrainian farmers are grateful to the European Parliament for a strong signal of support

UCAB welcomes the vote in the European Parliament international trade (INTA) committee taken today in Brussels to support the proposal of the European Commission to extend for another year the existing EU additional trade preferences for Ukraine.



Ukrainian farmers appeal to Members of European Parliament: Your vote will be decisive for the economic fate of Ukraine

Your vote can be decisive for the economic fate of Ukraine in this crucial year, - this is the message the Ukrainian farmers and agricultural producers associations, UCAB, sent yesterday to the members of the European Parliament trade committee. The message comes ahead of the committee’s vote on March 7 on the Commission’s proposal to extend autonomous trade preferences to Ukraine for another year, but with a set of safeguard measures on products deemed sensitive for European agricultural associations, such as poultry, eggs and sugar.



UCAB condemns the radical actions of protesters on the Polish border and demands that the offenders be brought to justice

Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” shares the anger of the Ukrainian agricultural community regarding the cynical destruction of Ukrainian grain by protesters on the Polish border and calls for an immediate stop to such radical actions.



Leading Ukrainian agro-associations call on the European agricultural community for an open dialogue

UCAB, together with leading agricultural associations led by the Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum, are asking COPA COGECA, a leading voice of European agriculture, to maintain a dialogue with Ukrainian colleagues on issues of agricultural trade rather than to lobby the Commission to block imports in key Ukrainian agri-food products.



UCAB signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Poland

The Ukrainian Agribusiness Club and the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Poland (ZPP) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.



Ucab Agriculture in wartime: the second year of struggle for survival

The revival of agriculture in the conditions of war is an extremely challenging task for Ukrainian farmers. Rather positive, at first side, indicators of 2023 actually entail significant financial losses due to the low price of grain and oilseeds in the domestic market, restricted and complicated export. Production of most grain and oil crops is unprofitable. And unless some changes are implemented, indicators of the next year are unlikely to be positive.



AGCO and UCAB Prioritize Recovery at International Conference in Brussels “Fields of Change: Charting the Path of Ukrainian Agriculture”

Brussels, Belgium – On October 5, 2023, the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club and AGCO Corporation held the first international Ukrainian agricultural conference "Fields of Change: Charting the Path of Ukrainian Agriculture" in Brussels. More than 120 participants, including key Ukrainian and EU policymakers, agribusiness leaders and representatives of financial institutions attended. They shared experiences and discussed support for Ukraine, particularly about agriculture recovery and future directions on its path to EU integration.



EU office of Ukrainian agribusiness starts operations in Brussels

Ukraine’s agricultural sector has established its permanent presence before European institutions in Brussels. As of today, October 2, the EU office of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB), a business association representing leading Ukrainian agricultural companies, becomes officially operational in the European Union's capital. The office will be led by Nazar Bobitski, a former Ukrainian diplomat and experienced expert on EU trade policy and regulation.



The agricultural community calls on the European Union to introduce subsidies for transportation of Ukrainian agriproducts to EU ports

UCAB, together with the leading agrarian associations that are members of the Public Union "Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum" – Public Union "Agrarian Union of Ukraine", Public Union “Ukrainian Agrarian Council”, Association “Poultry Union of Ukraine” appealed to Executive Vice President, Commissioner for Trade European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis with a request to support the initiative of introducing subsidies from the European Commission for transportation of Ukrainian agricultural products to the ports of Baltic countries, Germany, Netherlands, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
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  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
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  • john deer
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