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29 July 2024



2010 inflation may top 10% - expert

The perspective of keeping the 2010 inflation at the level of 10% has become vague, Valeriy Lytvytskyi, chief adviser to the central bank governor, said commenting price rises in February (+1.9%).
"Inflation in February was higher than predicted by IMF representatives, many independent experts and even some of the NBU. Although in the first two months of 2010 Ukrainian inflation was lower than in January - February 2009, the perspective of keeping the price rise in 2010 within the limits of 10% has become value. I am confused that inflation has been accelerating for the second month in a row. I do not believe that now it is high time for the NBU to revise the key rates (downwards), but it is necessary to hold revision of all available instruments for curbing inflation," the expert noted.
Lytvytskyi emphasized that the February inflation is a "signal for revision of macroeconomic risks."

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