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16 September 2024


Biscuit-Chocolate increases production in January-September

In January-September 2009, enterprises of the corporation Biscuit-Chocolate produced 42,900 tons of confectionery products against 42,800 tons a year before. Sales stood at 42,200 tons, flat against the same period of 2008. Exports accounted for 31% of sales. Revenue from exports rose by 25% in value.



As of Oct 1, grains companies brewing barley reserves totaled 345,590 MT

Experts estimate grains processing/storage companies Oct 01/09 brewing barley reserves 345,590 MT, reported State Statistics Committee.



As of Jan-Sept, agrarians sold wheat at average UAH762,3 per MT

As to State Statistics Committee report, in Jan- Sept 2009 all kinds property agricultural companies (except small-scale ones) were selling wheat at average UAH762,3 per MT, down UAH65,4 per MT (- 7.9%) against Jan-Sept 2008.



Vodka output 12.1% up in January - September

The output of vodka and other hard liquors in January - September 2009 totaled 30.8 million decaliters, which is 12.1% up on the January - September 2008 volume, the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine reported.



Agrarians Jan-Sept wheat sales up 41.2%, to 10.718 mn MT

As to State Statistics Committee report, in Jan-Sept 2009 agricultural companies have boosted wheat sales to 10.718 mn MT, up 3.125 mn MT



As of Jan-Sept, agrarians surged grains sales by 43.6%, up to 19.67 mn MT

In Jan-Sept 2009 agricultural companies have lifted grains sales to 19.67 mn MT, up 5.969 mn MT (+ 43.6%) against Jan-Sept 2008, reported State Statistics Committee.



Grains companies Oct 1 buckwheat reserves totaled 29,556 MT

As to State Statistics Committee, experts estimate this year Oct 1 buckwheat reserves (stored on grains processing/storage companies) as much as 29,556 MT.



Nibulon opens new grain shipment terminal

Nibulon Ltd. on Oct. 19 opened a new grain and oilseeds shipment terminal in Vitove village in the Cherkasy region of Ukraine.



State Statistics Committee: as of Oct 1, agrarians harvested 68,800 MT rice

As of Oct 01/09, agrarians have harvested 68,800 MT rice (up 2,8 times against Oct 01/08), reported State Statistics Committee.



As of Oct 1, rye reserves totaled 454,774 MT

Experts estimate grains processing/storage companies Oct 01/09 rye reserves 454,774 MT, reported State Statistics Committee.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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