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15 September 2024


Asian sugar: Thai raws barely moved; Brazilians sold at discount

The discount for Thai raw sugar hardly moved despite a drop in New York futures, dealers said on Thursday, reflecting a slow trade in Asia and ample supplies in main consumer India. Thailand's high-quality or hi-pol raw sugar was offered at a discount of 35 to 40 points to New York's March contract, unchanged from last week. March raws fell 0.72 cent to finish at 21.93 cents per pounds on Wednesday.



On sales of beer in different packaging in 2009

According to market operators, in January-September 2009, retail sales of beer in Ukraine shrank by 20-25% in volume. Before the autumn, sales fell only in volume. In the autumn, the market started to decline in value (down 4-5%).



Macroeconomic situation stabilizing in Ukraine, says IMF

The macroeconomic situation is stabilizing in Ukraine, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Resident Representative in Ukraine Max Alier said at an annual conference organized by Fitch Ratings.



Indonesia palm trades

In Indonesia, the state marketing centre, based in Jakarta, sold 5,500 tonnes of palm oil at a top price of 6,547 rupiah ($0.686) per kg, against 6,519 rupiah per kg on Thursday.



Australia. AWB raising lets down grain growers

We've seen some dreadful capital raisings for small investors over the past year but when 241 million new shares in wheat giant AWB start trading today it will go down as one of the worst.



During four months of 2009/10 MY, Ukraine exported 9 mln tonnes of grains

Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation forecasts the volumes of general grain production in Ukraine in 2009 at the level of over 47 mln tonnes, including over 10 mln tonnes of maize. Even the rates of grain exports exceeds the previous year export volumes, when grain harvest totaled 53 mln tonnes, declared Sergey Stoyanov, the general director of the organization



Net profit of Kernel Group up 60% in 2008/09 marketing year

Net profit of Kernel Group as of the 2008/09 marketing year amounted to USD 132mn (EUR 88.95mn), up 60% year-over-year.



Ukraine distributes raw sugar quotas

Ukraine distributed quotas for raw sugar imports in 2009 to the amount of 263.9 thousand tons among 16 countries, the Economy Ministry informs.



EU to lend Ukraine 500 mln euros

The European Commission proposed to European Union governments on Friday to lend Ukraine up to 500 million euros ($741 million) and Bosnia and Herzegovina 100 million euros to help them battle the economic crisis.



Belarus-Ukraine trade hits $2bn in January-September

In January-September 2009 the trade between Belarus and Ukraine reached $2.07 billion, or 51.4% to the same period last year, BelTA learnt from the trade and economic group of the Belarusian diplomatic office in Kiev.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Limagrain
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  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
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  • Syngenta
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  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
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