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04 September 2024


No need to impose export duties on grains in Russia - Zubkov

Russia may impose export duties on grains, if the price of wheat of class 3 and 4 will rise by about 1 000 RUR - to 6 500 RUR/t, said the First Deputy Prime Minister, Viktor Zubkov.



Ukraine expects a bumper harvest of grains in new season - expert

In the new season Ukraine expects a bumper harvest of grains, informed the analyst of APK-Inform, Anastasia Ivasenko on Grain forum-2011 in Yalta.



Potential of grain production in Ukraine to be 70-80 mln tonnes - expert

With intensive land reclamation potential of grain production in Ukraine can total 70-80 million tons. Such a forecast was declared on June 23 in the conference "Grain Forum-2011" in Yalta by the representative of SE "State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine," Andrew Druzyaka.



Ukraine not to impose quotas for exports in 2011 - Kolesnikov B.

In 2011 Ukraine will not impose any quota on the sales of grain, stated Deputy Prime Minister - Infrastructure Minister ,Borys Kolesnikov, within a business forum in Paris, "Ukrainian meetings-2011", reported the press office of the ministry on June 23 .



Grain harvest in Russia in 2011 could reach 82-86 mln tons - expert

The Analytical Centre "Sovecon" predicts grain harvest in Russia this year at 82-86 million tons, announced the executive director Andrei Sizov at the conference "Grain Forum-2011" (June 23-24, Yalta), organized by APK-Inform.



Agrarian Policy Ministry Notices Improvement Of Farm Crops Condition Over Lower Temperature And Higher Moisture

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food Supplies notices improvement of condition of cultivated crops as a consequence of reduction of temperature and elevation of air and soil humidity, Ukrainian News has learned from a spokesman for the Ministry's department of plant growing markets.



Ukraine: rains in the second decade of June improved the situation in the fields

Rains in the second decade of June after long drought improved the situation in the fields and led to better condition of all agricultural sowings, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.



In 2011 Ukraine to produce at least 45 mln tonnes of grains — Ministry of Agrarian Policy

In 2011, the general grain production in Ukraine will total at least 45 mln tonnes against 39.3 mln tonnes in 2010, said Nikolay Bezugly, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, on June 22.



Turkey activated purchases of Ukrainian sunflower oil

According to operators of the Turkish market, within frames of the last tender of one of the largest trade operators in Turkey – the company Trakya Birlik – the company purchased 3 thsd tonnes of Ukrainian sunflower oil. The cost of purchase totaled 1385 USD/t C&F-Marmara from the company Aves Ic ve Dis Ticaret AS. According to the terms of the importer, delivery of the reporting product is scheduled for early July 2011.



Azerbaijan to produce 2.5 mln tonnes of grains

In the current year Azerbaijan is expected to produce 2.5 mln tonnes of grains, an increase of 500 thsd tonnes compared to the last year, informed Ismat Abbasov, Minister of Agriculture, on June 17. According to him, milling grain volumes will total 1.7 mln tonnes.

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