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01 September 2024


Ukraine can have 12% share on the world grain market

Meeting with the members of the agricultural workers associations, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov said that in the next 10 years, Ukraine’s agro-industrial complex can double its share on the world grain market, ForUm correspondent reports.



Ukraine: Government not to limit grain exports in the new MY

The Government of Ukraine does not plan to impose limitations on grain exports in the new MY, declared Nikolai Azarov, Prime Minister of Ukraine, on July 3. According to him, the Government expects for a reasonably good grain harvest, and does not plan to impose any limitations like in 2010.



EBRD to buy a share in a British sugar producer in Ukraine

The EBRD intends to become a shareholder of the British company ED&F Man in Ukraine. It is planning to invest USD 15.9 Ml in the acquisition of a minority stake and to buy and install sugar beet processing equipment.



IGC again cuts global wheat crop outlook, raises corn

The International Grains Council Monday downwardly revised its estimate for world wheat output in 2012-13, by 6 million metric tons to 665 million tons, due to unfavorable conditions in some countries including a further deterioration in crop expectations in Russia.



Mykola Azarov promises that government would not introduce restrictions on grain exports

The Government does not intend to introduce any restrictions on grain exports in the current marketing year. Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov assured the farmers on this at a meeting with representatives of NGOs working in agriculture of Ukraine on July 3, 2012.



As of July 3, Ukraine produced over 3 mln tonnes of grains

As of July 3, 2012, Ukraine harvested early grains and leguminous crops throughout the areas of 1.74 mln ha (17% of the forecast), and produced 3.04 mln tonnes of grains (on the same date in 2011 agrarians produced 1.82 mln tonnes) with the average yield of 17.6 c/ha (in 2011 - 28.1 c/ha).



Agricultural exchange to begin trading on spot market

KYIV, July 3 /UKRINFORM/. Ukraine's Agrarian Commodity Exchange intends to hold test trading on the spot market this summer, which may completely change the situation on the market.



Grain production in Ukraine may fall by 20% a year

Grain Ukraine cuts its forecast of grain production in Ukraine in 2012/13 by 3,8 to 46.1 MMT from previos forecast, and by 19% or 10.6 million tonnes below the harvest of 2011. Correction is due to smaller than expected yields for wheat and barley.



Last MY (July 2011 - June 2012) Ukraine exported 21.8 mln tonnes of grains, an increase of 81% compared to the previous MY.

According to data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, in particular, the export volumes of maize already increased by 2.7 times - to the level of 13.86 mln tonnes, wheat - up 26.4% to 5.17 mln tonnes (including nearly 3.1 mln tonnes of milling wheat, 2.1 mln tonnes of feed wheat). At the same time, exports of barley decreased by 4.6% - to 2.58 mln tonnes.



Ukraine: in 2012 the grain harvest to decrease by 20-30% - Hydrometeorological Center

In 2012 in Ukraine the general production volumes of grains and leguminous crops is forecasted at the level of 43-44 mln tonnes, a decrease of 10-12 mln tonnes (20-30%) compared to last year, declared Tatyana Adamenko

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