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14 March 2025

Alex Lissitsa

There are a few basic facts about activity of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences without detailed analysis and unnecessary comments. All information used has been taken only from public sources.

National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NAAS) started its operation in 1932 and is currently one of the major scientific associations in the world, both in terms of quantity of farmlands to be cultivated and in terms of number of employees.

It is structurally divided into 6 industrial branches which include more than 50 different kinds of research institutes, stations, centers etc., about 20 thousand employees are involved in 185 research households and other enterprises of the Academy cultivating in total more than 400 thous. ha of agricultural lands.

Therefore, NAAS as organization makes five largest land users of Ukraine.

In 1990 the Academy’s personnel numbered 25 academicians and 25 corresponding members which included 12 academicians and 20 corresponding members of  Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences living in the USSR. As of December 2016, the Academy includes 114 academicians, 121 corresponding members, 29 honorary members and 62 foreign members. The total quantity of Academy members is 326 people. Thus, the quantity of academics over the years of independence of Ukraine has increased by 356% and corresponding members –by 384%.

Melnichuk Maksim Dmitrievich, 43-year-old academician of NAAS, former governor of Kyiv region, is the youngest member of NAAS. Sobko Aleksandr Alekseevich, 95-year-old academician of NAAS, advisor of directorate of the Institute of Water Problem and Land Reclamation, is the oldest corresponding member of the Academy. He worked as an agronomist in the collective farm, was a deputy head of Presidium of the South Branch of Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Kiev. The average age of the Academy members (without taking into account the deceased ones) is 71.

More than 50% of the Academy members (without taking into account the foreign ones) have experience working on leadership positions in the Soviet collective farms and state-owned farms. More than 20% of academicians and corresponding members were vice prime-ministers, ministers, heads of central government bodies, heads of the Verkhovna Rada committees, heads of regional administrations and etc.

The state budget envisages for NAAS UAH 0.3-0.5 billion of direct allocations per year. For comparison, in a country where African swine fever is expanding, the budget for 2016 envisaged UAH 57 million on anti-epizootic measures. 


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