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16 July 2024



Ukrainian Agribusiness Club together with UCABevent agency organizes the webinar “Ukrainian agriculture on the way to the EU”.

  • March 15, 2023
  • 11:00-13:00 (Kyiv time)
  • English


Participation is free of charge:


Welcome Address
Roman Slaston, 

Expectations from Ukrainian Ministry of Ag. Policy of Ukraine

Denys BashlykDeputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

Ukrainian Agriculture in the EU: how ready are the both parties for membership of Ukraine? 

Dr. Heinz Strubenhoff

Panel Discussion
Moderator: Oleksandra Avramenko, 
Head of EU-Integration Committee, UCAB 

-         Alfons Balmann, Professor and Director of IAMO Institute (Halle (Saale), Germany)

-         Alex Lissitsa, CEO of IMC (ag company in Ukraine)

-         Gerard de la Sal, Farmer in Poland and owner of ALFAGRO company in Ukraine

-         Oleg Nivievskiy, Professor at Kyiv School of Economics (Ukraine)

On 23 June 2022, the European Council granted candidate status to Ukraine. The official negotiations may start in autumn 2023. One of the most difficult parts of sectoral discussions will definitely be the agriculture and rural development. Ukraine's membership in the EU would have both opportunities and challenges for both parties. What for Ukraine will potentially be an opportunity means a kind of challenge for the EU. 

Some opportunities for Ukrainian agriculture:

  • Access to the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): As a member state, Ukraine would be able to participate in the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, which includes subsidies and support for farmers.
  • Increased export opportunities: Membership in the EU would provide Ukrainian agricultural producers with access to the EU's single market, which could lead to increased export opportunities for Ukrainian products.
  • Investment in modernization and infrastructure: As a member state, Ukraine would be eligible for EU funding to modernize and improve its agricultural infrastructure, leading to potential growth and productivity gains.


And Challenges for Ukrainian agriculture:

  • Meeting EU standards and regulations: To export to the EU, Ukrainian agricultural producers would need to comply with EU regulations and standards for food safety, animal welfare, and the environment.
  • Competition from EU producers: Ukrainian agricultural producers would face increased competition from EU producers, who may benefit from greater economies of scale and access to EU subsidies.
  • Land market reforms: Ukraine would need to implement reforms in its land market to meet EU regulations and standards, which could be a contentious issue.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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