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20 July 2024



Zakhidna Molochna Grupa to raise development budget

 The holding Zakhidna Molochna Grupa (Western Dairy Group, a part of the group Kontinium) has no difficulties with financing and intends to raise the sum granted for development. This information is provided by Igor Yeremeev, a co-owner of Kontinium. According to him, soon the holding will make 'favourable offers' to the market. Particularly, an opportunity to acquire enterprises that face financial difficulties is considered, particularly, a cheese making plant. At present the group is not interested in the Veliky Burluk-based cheese plant of the concern Avec. Kontinium reconstructs own milk-processing facilities. In 2008 repairs of a plant producing hard cheese Dubnomoloko were completed. The enterprise obtained permission to export milk to Russia. The dairy plant Kovelmoloko was modernised as well. Projects to reconstruct the Novograd-Volynsk cheese plant and to build Vinnitsa dairy plant are prepared as well.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
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  • john deer
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