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17 July 2024



Flower supplies increased by 25% in 2017

Last year Ukraine imported cut flowers for almost USD 7 mln, which in real terms is about 92,2 mln flowers and 25% higher than the indicator of 2016. Roses (36%), chrysanthemums (33%) and carnations (29%) were dominant in the import structure.

Ecuador became the largest supplier of roses. Last year, 54% of all cut roses were imported from this country. Carnations are mostly imported from Turkey - 81% of all supplies. The Netherlands is the absolute leader in the supplies of other flowers: orchids, chrysanthemums and lilies. This country provides close to half (43%) of all cut flower supplies to Ukraine.

In January of this year, Ukraine imported flowers for the total amount of USD 529 thous., which is 16,5% more compared with the previous year's figure.

For reference: The Netherlands is the largest supplier of cut flowers in the world. In 2016, this country provided 49% of the world's supplies of flowers. The top 5 suppliers also include Colombia (15%), Ecuador (9%), Kenya (8%) and Ethiopia (2%).

From which country is your bouquet?

Among imported flowers to Ukraine prevails: roses (36%), chrysanthemums (33%) and carnations (29%), others - orchids, lilies etc.

The largest importers of cut flowers to Ukraine are: the Netherlands - 43,3%, Turkey - 23,7%, Ecuador - 22,5%, Colombia - 6,7%, Kenya - 3,1%, Ethiopia - 0,6%, others – 0,1 %.

Top 3 suppliers of roses to Ukraine are: Ecuador – 54,4%, the Netherlands – 22,0%, Columbia – 13,8%, others – 9,8 %.

Top 3 suppliers of carnations to Ukraine are: Turkey – 81,5%, Ecuador – 9,1%, Columbia – 5,8%, others – 3, 6%.

Top 3 suppliers of chrysanthemums to Ukraine are: the Netherlands – 99,7%, Ecuador – 0,2%, Kenya – 0,1%.

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