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18 July 2024



Yushchenko signed alcohol drinks excise duty growth Law

President Viktor Yushchenko has signed Ukrainian Law ¹ 1202-VI "About Bringing Changes into Some Ukrainian Laws regarding Excise Duty.”

Law text has been published on President official website.

It is to be reminded, this Law was adopted by VR Mar 31/09. Law stipulates excise duty growth since 2009 second half for:

− sparkling/aerated wines from UAH1,6 up to UAH2,5 per 1 liter (up 1,5 times against previous);

− ethyl spirit/hard drinks from UAH21,5 up to UAH34,0 per 1 liter of 100% spirit (up 26% as of previous).

As to Law, spirit heavy distillates excise duties should also be raised since Nov 01/09 up 50% against previous (from EUR20, EUR30, EUR35, EUR45 up to correspondingly EUR30, EUR45, EUR50, EUR65 per 1,000 kg).

Besides, Law establishes ethyl spirit/alcohol drinks excise duty rates annual indexation depending on consumer prices index.

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