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21 July 2024



West Australian Wheat Futures Begin Trading at A$206 a Ton

West Australian export wheat futures began trading at A$206 ($177) a metric ton on their first day of trade.
The contract for delivery in January was at A$207 a ton on the Australian stock exchange at 11:43 a.m. Sydney time. The volume of trade was 131 contracts, Bloomberg data shows. Domestic-focused milling wheat futures for January delivery in New South Wales in the nation’s east rose 0.5 percent to A$214 a ton.
The contract began trade at A$206 a ton, Dougal Hunter, manager of agricultural derivatives for ASX Ltd., operator of Australia’s stock exchange, said by phone from Sydney. Australia is the world’s fourth-largest wheat exporter.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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