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21 July 2024



Warm weather in December does not tell on state of winter crops - Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center

weather December winter crops Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center

The warm weather in Ukraine in winter 2013 was favorable for winter crops and did not speed up the processes of their vegetation.

Head of the agro-meteorological department of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center Tetiana Adamenko has said, the Ukrainian Grain Association informs.

“Currently, nothing catastrophic has occurred. All is well and the level of temperature is rather low to influence the seeding. There is no growth and development,” she said.

According to her, since January 11, 2014, a drop of temperature is expected at night from 0° tо - 6°.

As Adamenko specified, a distressing factor was absence of precipitations in December.

“I would like that a snow cover has finally formed, this would provide a supply of moisture and play a protective function,” the expert noted.

According to the forecasts, before cold snaps, precipitations are expected in the form of rain and wet snow, so there are no concerns about the state of winter crops yet.

The head of the agro-meteorological department clarified that the indicator of the area of winter crops that are in poor condition, has not changed and makes up 8%.



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