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17 July 2024



Agriculture-machinery producers ask to delay the changes in the registration process until November

Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club» (UCAB) appealed to Olga Trofimtseva, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for European Integration, to support the amendments to the Technical Regulation for the type-approval of agricultural machinery and extend the transitional period of registration until November 2018.

Specialists of the member companies of the Association and experts of UCAB designed  the Technical Regulation for the type-approval of agricultural and forestry tractors, their trailers and variable trailed devices, systems, components and separate technical units №1367 dated December 28, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulation), norms and the practice of applying European legislation in the field of type-approval and the Ukrainian type-approval procedure and developed the draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On Amendments to the Technical Regulation for the approval of type of agricultural and forestry tractors, their trailers and variable trailer machines, systems, components and separate technical units, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 28, 2011 №1367», with the help of which it is proposed to make initial changes that will improve market access conditions for agricultural machinery manufacturers.

«As of today, the Ukrainian type approval procedure is similar to the European one, but the availability of the type-approval certificate and test results obtained from European research institutions does not exempt from passing the exact same tests in accordance with the Ukrainian procedure. In addition, norms for emissions of harmful substances, safety, technical equipment of test laboratories in Europe exceeds the level of Ukrainian institutions. Also, the European type-approval certificate is issued for an unlimited period, while the Ukrainian certificate of approval is only for 5 years with periodic production inspections every 2 years», - stated in the UCAB letter.

The UCAB also note that all documentation, certificates and test results are maintained in paper form, which takes a lot of time and administrative resources and complicates the process of entering the machinery market. This also pose a danger to the manufacturers themselves, as all technical documentation on the type, description and test results is not protected. While foreign type approval bodies use secure communication channels that allow to protect all information about the type of equipment.

The letter states that changes to the Technical Regulation are necessary, since the Ukrainian Technical Regulation № 1367 was developed on the basis of the European Directive 2003/37 /EC, which is in force until the end of this year.

The need for getting the type-approval certificate by March 1, 2018 may lead to the fact that the manufacturers will not be able to transfer the equipment to customers at the beginning of the spring field work season. This delay would be caused by the fact that the type-approval procedure is quite complex and long-term in its current form. Therefore, the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club» considers it necessary to extend the transitional period until November 2018.

According to Oleh Nesterov, Coordinator of Agricultural Machinery Committee of the Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club», the proposed draft of the Regulation introduces significant changes to the type-approval procedure that will facilitate to enter the high-quality machinery market: «The project will allow to establish the unlimited validity of the type-approval certificate which will be in line with European standards. It will introduce the cancellation of prior and ongoing inspections of production facilities that have Quality Management Certification and meet world-class requirements. The extension of the transitional period until November 2018 will enable farmers in the beginning of spring work to obtain ordered equipment and will provide the state with time to introduce changes to the procedure for approval and adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to EU norms. These changes will have a positive effect on the image of the country and will open up opportunities for domestic producers to increase production and export products abroad».

  • Baker TILLY
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  • Agroregion
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  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
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  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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