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21 July 2024



Vilkul: Ukraines transport sector attractive for investment

 Ukraines transport sector is one of the most attractive and open areas for investment, Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Vilkul told reporters as part of the 17th International Wheelset Congress in Kyiv on Monday.

Ukraines transport sector is one of the most attractive and open areas for investment. Modernization of ports and Ukrzaliznytsia continues, the sector introduces the latest technology, implements international projects. Ukraine has favorable, transparent and equal terms of cooperation with business, Vilkul noted.
He added that Ukraine is ready to provide investors with the most flexible approach to the forms and mechanisms of such cooperation.
Ukraine is a country with a powerful transit capacity. Here run 4 of 10 international transport corridors Europe - Asia. Our country ranks fourth in terms of freight traffic in Eurasia, yielding only to China, Russia and India. Ukraine ranks first in the world on the export of railway wheels, and third - for their output, the deputy prime minister said, stressing that the development of Ukraines transport and logistics potential is one of its main tasks in the economy.
The International Wheelset Congress is one of the most prestigious events of the wheel industry. Before Ukraine the Congress was held by largest manufacturers of railway equipment Italy, the Czech Republic, the Republic of South Africa, the US, Australia and other countries. The International Wheelset Congress is for the first time held in the CIS.

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  • Agroscop
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  • NCH Advisors
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  • claas
  • john deer
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