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18 July 2024



United Arab Emirates’ import bans will influence egg and poultry meat producers

United Arab Emirates’ import bans will influence egg and poultry meat producers

Bans for made in Ukraine agricultural products export to the UAE will have influence mostly on eggs, meat and edible poultry products. Thus, due to information of UCAB experts, in 1Q16 major product of Ukraine’s export to the UAE was eggs (5.3 k tons, 12% extra comparing the same period in the last year). Along with, export of poultry meat has demonstrated 2.4X increase up to 2.8k tons during 1Q16.

Foreign trade results demonstrate notable decline of Ukraine’s export to the UAE. Thus, in 2015 323.2 k tons of food products were exported to the UAE (41.3k tons extra, compering to 2014). Export of food accounted in cash has declined by 21% comparing to 2014 results (USD182.3 M). 1Q16 mentioned tendency has continued. Ukraine’s producers have exported to the UAE 31.4 k tons of food products (69% less than the same period in 2015) and accounted in USD27.5 M (45% less than in 1Q15).

Interfax agency has published information that the Halal Research & Certification Center Alraid in Ukraine has declared the UAE’s ban for import of food and edible products from Ukraine on May 30, 2016. Presently Ukraine’s State Service for Food Safety has submitted official request to the competent organization of the UAE for further issue solution.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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