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16 July 2024



UNAF turned to Copa-Сogeca regarding inclusion in the European agricultural community and support for Ukraine's accession to the EU

Public association "Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum" (UNAF) on behalf of members of the leading agrarian associations: Ukrainian Agrarian Business Club", CS "Agrarian Union of Ukraine", "Ukrainian Agrarian Rada", the Ukrainian Association of Communities, the Ukrainian Union of Foresters of Ukraine, The Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation appealed to the secretary general of the Copa-Cogeca Union Pesonen Pekka for inclusion into the European agrarian community and support for EU accession.

According to the appeal, Ukraine is currently experiencing the most difficult times during the entire history of its independence. Due to the military invasion of the Russian Federation for the third day in a row, the Ukrainian people are defending their land from the enemy and fighting for the life of every citizen of Ukraine: at the forefront, at strategic infrastructure sites, and the Ukrainian agrarian business is making every effort to ensure food security.

At the cost of their own lives each of us today are standing up for democracy and European values, and Ukrainian agro-producers freely deliver food to the armed forces and the civilian population in all parts of our country.

"The current intense geopolitical situation will have a significant negative impact on the world market of agro-food products and make it questionable to guarantee food security around the world. In our opinion, due to a possible peak of the spring planting campaign and the reduction of exports from Ukraine in the near future, food prices will increase in most European countries," the statement reads.

With this in mind, UNAF asks to support the organization's membership in Copa-Cogeca and consider the possibility of exemption from membership fees for the next 5 years.
Also, the agrarians urge to support, in the name of Copa-Cogeca, Ukraine's accession to the European Union under a fast-track procedure, which is already initiated by a number of European countries and supported by the Head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

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