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29 July 2024



US Pork Exports to Mexico Thriving

According to the latest export statistics, US pork continues to achieve remarkable success in Mexico.

After posting a record year in 2009, January pork/pork variety meat exports to Mexico set a new monthly record of 120.1 million pounds valued at $93.5 million.

Gerardo Rodriguez, the US Meat Export Federation’s director of trade development for Mexico, Central America and the Dominican Republic, says one of the strategies USMEF has used to expand this market has been to conduct sales force training for importers and distributors.

This includes comprehensive training programs conducted at the Monterrey Institute of Technology. Mr Rodriguez adds that with these training programmes showing such positive results in Mexico, they may be expanded to markets such as Guatemala, Honduras and Panama.

You can listen to the Mr Rodriguez's audio on Mexico's sales force training by clicking here.


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