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17 July 2024



Ukrainian dairy products are conquering Europe

Ukrainian dairy products are conquering Europe

Economic part of the FTA with EU is effective since April 2014, but only in late 2016 Ukraine managed to export dairy products under the Agreement for the first time. Ukraine supplied 450 tons of milk powder amounting to 30% of the duty-free export quota and 690 tons of butter amounting to 46% of quota respectively.

As of mid-March 2017 14% of duty-free export quota for milk powder and 50% of export quota for butter have been exhausted. 23 tons of fermented dairy products amounting to nearly 0.3% of quota

Ukrainian dairy companies within the last three years are trying to obtain European standard certificates with a view to supply their products to Europe. Currently, 16 Ukrainian companies have been certified and authorized to export to the EU. A list includes the following companies: LLC ‘Liustdorf’, LLC ‘Lasunka’, LLC ‘Molochnyi Dim’, PJSC ‘Zhytomyr Butter Plant’, branch of  PJSC ‘Yagotynsky Butter-Processing Plant’, ‘Yagotynske for Children’, PrJSC ‘Laktalis-Mykolaiv’, LLC ‘Hadiachsyr’, PJSC ‘Dubnomoloko’, Nedryhailivskyi Production Unit of the branch ‘Romny Dairy Plant’, PE ‘Ros’, branch ‘Romny Dairy Plant’, LLC ‘Kapsuliar’ LLC ‘Danon Dnipro’, PJSC ‘Zolotonosha Butter Plant’, LLC ‘Cheese Club’, Vinnytskyi Dairy Plant ‘Roshen’, branch ‘Menskyi Syr’, PE ‘Prometey Consulting Firm’.


  • Baker TILLY
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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