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20 July 2024



Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy continues to successfully execute intergovernmental agreement with China

9 July, the Ukrainian Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Ihor Shvaika met with a delegation of the People’s Republic of China led by the Vice President of the China National Complete Engineering Corporation (CCEC) Yang Jing, Government Portal reports. The Ministry side was also represented by Chairman of the Board of «SFGCU» PJSC Petro Vovchuk as well as responsible employees of the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

At the meeting Ihor Shvaika and CCEC Vice President Yang Jing have declared a constant course towards the Chinese-Ukrainian cooperation, reaffirmed the mutual fulfillment of all the commitments, expressed confidence in further successful implementation of the project as well as agreements reached earlier.

«We are committed to performing the contract, as both sides pursue the same goals, said Ihor Shvaika.-Filling the intergovernmental agreement between Ukraine and China with real content is our key goal».

Yang Jing has expressed his satisfaction about the cooperation with Ukrainian side and said that Chinese Government pays great attention to issues related to the implementation of the intergovernmental agreement. Also, the Chinese side expressed its readiness to invest additional funds in Ukrainian agriculture, particularly in logistics and agricultural machinery. In conclusion, the parties have confirmed their intentions to develop cooperation in future.



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