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29 July 2024



Ukrainian hydrometeorological center forecasts resowing of 13% of winter crops areas

Ukrainian hydrometeorological center forecasts the resowing of nearly 1 mln ha, or 13%of winter crops sowing areas, declared Tatyana Adamanko, the head of the agricultural meteorology department of Ukrainian hydrometeorological center.

In 2009, Ukraine provided the additional sowing of 5% of winter crops totaled 5%. According to preliminary estimations, in the current year, the index will reach 13%, or 1 mln ha. According to the specialist, the present condition of the sowings, which will be resowed, is characterized with spareness and low profitability.

According to information of the hydrometeorological center, low winter temperatures, ice covering of agricultural fields, the possible flooding of winter sowings in the spring become the main factors of the future resowing process.

According to T.Adamanko, the mass sowing campaign in southern regions of Ukraine will start at the beginning of April.

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