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21 July 2024



Ukraine's GDP 18 percent down this second quarter

Ukraine's GDP has dropped by 18 percent in the second quarter against the same period last year, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine said in a preliminary report Wednesday. In the first quarter the GDP drop totalled 20.3 percent.
The worst production reduction was reported in the construction, processing industries, production and distribution of electric energy, water and gas and in the mining industry. As a result the share of the construction and processing industries in the GDP structure has declined.
The volume of industrial output in January- July, 2009 dropped by 30.4 percent against the same period last year.
The government has admitted that revenues to the consolidated budget in January-July, 2009 dropped by 20 percent. The budget deficit exceeded 2. 2 billion U.S. dollars, while in the same period last year the budget revenues were higher than budget expenditures.


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