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28 July 2024



Ukraine Yuzhny Port's heavy lift cranes start operating, to gain in volumes

Yuzhny (Southern) Commercial Sea Port (Ukraine) begins today, February 4, operating its Liebherr heavy lift cranes, purchased lately 2009, the YCSP press service reports. Each crane’s lifting capacity is of 84 tons, a boom length of 40 m. The new equipment will allow the port to handle heavy lift commodities, boosting freight volumes.
The state-owned Yuzhny Port, founded back in 1978, is located on the bank Adzhalyksk estuary. Its annual throughput is at 15 million tons of cargo. YCSP specializes in handling liquid bulk, bulked cargo, chemical, coal and ore and packaged unit loads. Freight traffics via the port amounted to 17.838.400 tons in 2009.

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