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17 July 2024



Ukraine: total grain yield may total 39 mln tonnes in 2008

In 2008, total grain yield in Ukraine is expected at the level of 39 mln tonnes in clean weight against 29.3 mln tonnes in 2007, reported Anastacia Ivasenko, IA "APK-Inform" analyst, at the International Conference "Grain Forum-2008".

According to APK-Inform analysts, they forecast increase of productivity practically of all crops as compared to 2007 due to favorable weather conditions during all period of sowing and plants development.

According to the expert's data, the total sowing area under grain and grain legumes for 2008 yield in Ukraine may total 15.3 mln ha against last year's 15.1 mln ha. The area under spring grain and grain legumes in 2008 would total some 7.4 mln ha against 8.4 mln ha in 2007. According to A. Ivasenko, reduction of the spring grain sowings for 2008 yield is caused by expanding of the winter grain sowings and its good overwintering. At that, decrease of the areas under spring grain is also concerned with lowering interest of the Ukrainian agricultural producers to particular crops (including oats, buckwheat, peas and millet) despite state subsidies.

In 2008, the harvesting area and crop capacity in Ukraine are expected at the level of 14.7 mln ha and 26.5 c/ha correspondingly, reported A. Ivasenko.

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