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30 July 2024



Ukraine to resow 240-250 thsd ha of winter rapeseed

Scientists forecast resowing of nearly 240-250 thsd ha of winter rapeseed sowings with other agricultural crops, declared Viktor Sytnik, the deputy president of the National academy of agrarian sciences, on March 26.

According to V.Sytnik, other winter rapeseed sowings showed thinned and weak conditions. Southern, western and central oblasts of Ukraine, which faced the absence of ice covering at agricultural fields, showed satisfactory conditions of hibernation of winter grains sowings.

According to preliminary forecasts of scientific institutions, losses of winter grains sowings total 400-500 thsd ha, explained V.Sytnik.

V.Sytnik appealed to agrarians to resow perished winter crops sowings with grains, but not sunflower seeds. According to him, Ukraine has rather large-scale sowing areas of the oilseed.

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