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24 July 2024



Ukraine to pay off Chinese loan with grain

Ukraine will supply China with 2–2.5 million tons of grain annually within the loan payout program, agrarian minister Mykola Prysiazhniuk told ’Den’ newspaper. «According to the signed memorandum, Chinese Eximbank gives Ukraine 3-billion-dolar loan. The details of cooperation are still under consideration. But I can tell you now that Ukraine will receive this loan in several tranches. In return

Ukraine takes an obligation to supply China with 2–2.5 million tons of corn annually,» the minister said. According to the preliminary agreements, the means will be sent to agrarian funds as floating capital. The minister also informed that China wants to get some state guarantees from Ukraine. «I cannot say anything about the details, as we have not agreed them yet. There are two variants under consideration: either sovereign guarantees or forward contracts on corn supplies,» Prysiazhniuk explained.

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