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27 July 2024



Ukraine: state budget is replenished by means of customs duties on grain exports

During the first two weeks of grain exports from Ukraine in the new marketing year, the state budget received 57 mln UAH. in the form of taxes, declared Sergey Kvasha, director of the department of economic development and agricultural market of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, on July 21.

He also noted that according to the current monitoring of the Ministry, the prime cost of wheat and barley in the current year almost leveled off and totals 1100-1300 UAH/t.

Previously, Nikolai Prysiazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy, reported that during 20 days of the new MY Ukraine exported 240 thsd tonnes of grains of the new harvest.

As a reminder, on July 1, 2011, the Law of Ukraine #3387-VІ dd. May 19, 2011 “On making of amendments to the Tax Codex of Ukraine and adoption of tariffs of the export duties for several varieties of grains” came into force.

In particular, the law specifies that the Government imposes the export duties till January 1, 2012, for the following grain varieties: wheat, meslin and emmer wheat - 9% of the customs cost, but not lower 17 EUR/t; barley – 14%, but not lower 23 EUR/t; maize – 12%, but not lower 20 EUR/t.


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