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21 July 2024



Ukraine sets up working group to resolve problems in trade with Russia

 Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has ordered the creation of a working group to study problems in trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and Russia, the government portal has reported.

The group will be headed by Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Yuriy Boiko. The group consists of Economic Development and Trade Minister Ihor Prasolov, Industrial Policy Minister Mykhailo Korolenko, First Deputy Income and Tax Minister Stepan Deryvolkov, government commissioner for cooperation with Russia, CIS countries and Eurasian economic cooperation Valeriy Muntiyan and government representative in the EurAsEC board Viktor Suslov. Deputy Head of the Council of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmytro Oliynyk will also participate in the work of the interdepartmental commission, reads the statement.

The working group has immediately begun its work, because by August 19 it should submit for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the agreed proposals for the settlement of problems with Russia in the trade and economic sphere.

As reported, on July 29, the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Service (Rospotrebnadzor) imposed a ban on the supply of Roshen confectionery products to Russia. Experts pointed to the presence in the products of a toxic substance - benzopyrene. The Ukrainian company denied such allegations.

A significant part of Ukrainian exporters are currently facing problems with the supply of goods to Russia.


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