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17 July 2024



Ukraine raises grain forecast to 48.7 million tons

      Will export 22.6 million tonnes of grain in 2008/2009 compared to 3.7 million tonnes in the 2007/2008 year.   

  KYIV - Ukraine expects to harvest 48.7 million tonnes of grain this year,the Agriculture Ministry said on August 25. The previous forecast had been for a harvest in the 43 million-45 million tonne range. 

      Ukraine will export 22.6 million tonnes of grain in the current agricultural year,compared with 3.7 million tonnes in the 2007/2008 year, Agriculture Minister Yuriy Melnik said. Ukraine exported 1.5 million tonnes of grain in August and 3.2 million since the beginning of the agricultural year (July 1). 

      Ukraine will consume 26.5 million tonnes of grain domestically,including 6 million tonnes for food products,of which 5.3 million tonnes for bakery products,and 2.9 million tonnes for seed. The reserve for the future agricultural year will be 5.6 million tonnes. 

      The Cabinet is discussing establishment of a minimum price of 816 hryvni per tonne for wheat exports (4.8435 hryvni/$1), which includes VAT refund, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said at a government session. "If we set a price of 816 hryvni per tonne,that will be a serious basis for the agricultural sector," she said. 

      The sector plans to sow 8.8 million ha for the winter crop,including 6.5 million ha of wheat,0.5 million ha of rye,0.7 million ha of barley,Melnik said. Ukraine sowed 8 million ha for the winter crop in 2008,16% more than in 2007. 

       Ukraine had harvested 42.6 million tonnes of grain and grain legumes (bunker weight) from 12.337 million ha as of August 21,double the figure for the same day last year. The average yield was 34.5 centners/ha,up from 20.6 centners/ha a year earlier. 

       The harvest totaled 26.596 million tonnes of wheat from 7 million ha (37.9 centners/ha),13.354 million tonnes of barley from 4.166 million ha (32.1 centners/ha) and 1.038 million tonnes of rye from 0.455 million ha (22.8 centners/ha). 

       Ukraine harvested just 29.3 million tonnes of grain (including corn) after processing in 2007,14.5% less than in 2006. Rising prices prompted the government to restrict exports,which resulted in virtually zero exports for several months. 
In the January 1-April 30 period,the Cabinet set a quota of 1.2 million tonnes on grain exports,but subsequently canceled the corn quota and raised the quota by 1 million tonnes for wheat and by 0.5 million tonnes for barley. Ukraine has capacity to ship 26 million tonnes of grain a year. 

Interfax - Food & Agriculture, Kyiv, Ukraine 

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