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01 September 2024



Ukraine: rains restrain the mass harvesting of grains – Ministry of Agrarian Policy

The rainy weather, settled in Ukraine in late June 2011, constrains beginning of the mass harvesting of grains and rapeseed, informed the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

According to the press service, to date agrarians provide the harvesting campaign in the Southern regions and Zakarpattia oblast only.

As of July 1, Ukraine produced 1.1 mln tonnes of early grains and leguminous plants throughout nearly 400 thsd ha, or 3% of the planned harvesting areas. The average yield totaled 28.4 c/ha as opposed to 24.6 c/ha on the same date in 2010.

In particular, winter barley production volumes totaled 1.076 mln tonnes throughout 377 thsd ha (31% of the areas) with the average yield of 28.6 c/ha (in 2010 - 24.8 c/ha). Ukrainian farmers produced 30 thsd tonnes of winter wheat throughout the areas of 9 thsd ha with the average yield of 32.9 c/ha (in 2010 - 24.5 c/ha).

According to the Ministry, agricultural enterprises harvested winter rapeseed throughout the areas of 34 thsd ha, and produced 34 thsd tonnes of the oilseed with the average yield of 10 c/ha as opposed to 13.8 c/ha last year.

According to estimations of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the condition of winter crops is satisfactory, however rather significant volumes of precipitation, reduction of the temperature regime and high air humidity retard ripening of some winter crops. Besides, in some areas there is a partial crop lodging.

According to estimations of the Ministry, grain production in Ukraine in 2011 will total 45 mln tonnes against 39.2 mln tonnes in 2010.


  • Baker TILLY
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