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27 July 2024



Ukraine: quality of new crop wheat vary significantly

The qualitative indicators of wheat of the harvest-2011, coming to the elevators and grain collecting stations of Ukraine, have rather mixed quality results, announced Nikolai Poedinok, head of the State Agricultural Inspectorate, on July 21.

According to him, the production volumes of grains in the southern regions (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kherson, Nikolaev, Zaporizhzhya, Odessa oblasts) gives 64-68% of milling wheat (1- 5-grades), including 40-42% of 1- 3-grade wheat.

At the same time, due to heavy rains during the harvesting campaign the central regions of Ukraine have much worse grain qualitative parameters. 1- 5-grades - 42-48%, including 32-33% of 1- 3-grades.

According to estimations of the Inspectorate, the general share of grains attributable to the milling group (suitable for flour production) at the end of the harvesting campaign is estimated at the level of 65%.


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